Series of paintings
The color white is encumbered with multiple symbolic meanings. Moved to the sphere of artifacts, it is emancipated from interpretations typical of the vulgar material environment. By freeing the color’s potential energy from its familiar aesthetic context, the White in White series emerges as a visual document following a diverse range of symbols. The color white is best suited for making the concealed and the illogical newly relevant because it implies a superficial diversity of feelings.

A series of paintings based on Ukrainian Baroque (oil on canvas)
In his Secrets of Life, Budnikov voices a deeply personal reflection on the baroque’s affinity for contrasts. He succeeds in offering a balanced panorama of, so to say, formal contrasts too: light and shadows, almost strikingly decorative works and profound painterly usage of tonal play; space and planes; easel painting par excellence and hieroglyphic usage of signs;