Presentation of the Satirix magazine and a series of events in support of the Ukrainian army
EDITORIAL (extract)
This is not a satirical issue!
When I first saw Volodymyr Budnikov's drawings - it was in August, in Berlin - my first thought was to join the Ukrainian army. And Volodymyr, my dear Volodymyr, who has the same first name as the leader of the army in which he can no longer fight (he's 75), shook my hand. You're caught, my dear.
You go back to Paris and publish them. Then you sell them and send the money to our army. So, as a new recruit, I obeyed the order of Colonel Budnikov of the Ukrainian Army, 1st Disabled Regiment, and published these 14 drawings with hope. For once, art will serve a good cause: helping to fight the army of two other Vladimir - Lenin and Putin, those sons of bitches. Let's go! (Michel Lucas, Soldier - editor-in-chief)
Issue 31 to be published in Paris on 28 October
The exceptional drawings in issue 31 of Satirix are by the Ukrainian artist Volodymyr Boudnikov (born 1947 in Kiev). They were created during his exile in Lviv and then in Berlin after Russia invaded his country in February 2022. They will be sold, in aid of the Ukrainian army, during exhibitions at Espace 66 (66, rue Charlot, Paris 3e) from 28 October to 3 November 2022, and at the Topičův salon gallery (9, rue Národní, Prague), from 14 to 20 November 2022